Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki

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.WikiHeader {
   background: url(;

|Toriko Wikia.css Version 1.1.5 copied from communitypedia css.1 |

/* Fixed background image */
body {
background: transparent url( no-repeat;
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/* Timer CSS */
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/* Put a checker background at the image description page only visible if the image has transparent background */
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/* Mark redirects in Special:Allpages and Special:Watchlist */
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/* Giving headers and TOC a little extra space */
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/* Forum formatting (by -Algorithm & -Splaka) */
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/* Recent changes byte indicators */
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/* Enable polls */
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/* Navigation boxes */
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a.NavToggle {

/* Title hack */
#title-meta i { font-style: italic !important; }

/* WikiRail */
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/* Thumb Restyling by User:Bereisgreat */
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/* WidgetNewPages */
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/* Profile tabs */
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display: inline-block;

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/* Masthead-info background banner */
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/* Make collapsible table's link white/normal font */
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.collapseButton-altered span.collapseButton {
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.technique a:link{

/* Image Module Used in [[es:]], Fixed by Staw */
/* Remove attribution */
.WikiaArticle .article-thumb .attribution { display: none; !important }
/* Putting Color */
div.article-thumb, .WikiaArticle .article-thumb {
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/* Admin colorized stuff*/
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border:2px solid #ffffff;
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.comments li[data-user="Zangetsukakashi"] blockquote {color:white!important; font-weight:normal !important;
/*TFBeast */
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border:2px solid #ffffff;
.comments li[data-user="The Forgotten Beast"] blockquote:after {
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.comments li[data-user="The Forgotten Beast"] blockquote {color:white!important; font-weight:normal !important;
/*Brunch */
.comments li[data-user="Buranchi"] blockquote {
border:2px solid #cb2130;
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.comments li[data-user="Buranchi"] blockquote div {
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.comments li[data-user="Buranchi"] blockquote {color:#FFD700!important; font-weight:normal !important;

/* Bullet change thing*/
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html ul {list-style-image: url(;}